(Cute as a) Button Trees

Truth be told, I started making these trees 5 years ago. I bought the yarn and started out with the intention of making one for everyone on my Christmas card list. Except I started them on Thanksgiving, giving me only a week or two to knit, stuff, and mail my Christmas cards to 100+ people.So,... Continue Reading →

Ravelry, O Ravelry…

Two long months ago when I started this #stashdown2020 project, I spent days inventorying my yarn stash, photographing it, and uploading it into Ravelry, and you know what? Worth it. I have been getting regular requests into the yarn that I listed as being willing to trade/sell - particularly, it seems, yarns that have been... Continue Reading →

Let’s Meet the Cast:

An introduction to my WIPs. First up, we've got my hodgepodge Rocky Coast Blanket - An assortment of bulky acrylics being knit on the bias on US 11 circular needles. Current status: Approaching "Yarn Chicken" Stage Next, a blanket knit as a giant mitered square. The colors on this one make me think of salt-water... Continue Reading →

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